Sunday, February 05, 2006
Hello Again a Year Later !

Well. It has been a year since I began this blog on 6 February 2005.
I posted about a hundred items in three months with the last on 9 May. This met my goal of one post a day; but self-imposed obligatory daily book reports on my current reading became a drag.
Also, by last May, it became evident that my favorite horse, Tuffeting - a superb home-bred pacing champion and stallion, was seriously ill. So, I left my computer to spend more time walking him and caring for him during his last months.
I noticed that about half my posts last year were on current events, and the rest split evenly between Social Security reform and Information Technology impacts on rural life. I think this next year, I'll try to post more on local rural aspects, but keep a strong interest in current events. And definetly avoid the trap of "obligatory posting" - so the frequency may be somewhat random.
My posts are mostly to help me clarify my thinking on topics that interest me. I'll try to make them appealing to a broader audience than just one. Hope you enjoy them.